
Manuscripts on this dataset

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    Manuscripts on this dataset, "ds002778"
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    1. H Ding, X Weng, M Xu, J Shen, Z Wu, Dynamic channelwise functional-connectivity states extracted from resting-state EEG signals of patients with Parkinson’s disease, The Egyptian Journal of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery, 2024, Cited by 0,
    2. D Candia‐Rivera, M Vidailhet, M Chavez, A framework for quantifying the coupling between brain connectivity and heartbeat dynamics: Insights into the disrupted network physiology in Parkinson's disease, Human Brain Mapping, 2024, Cited by 2,
    3. U Lal, AV Chikkankod, L Longo, Fractal dimensions and machine learning for detection of Parkinson's disease in resting-state electroencephalography, Neural Computing and Applications, 2024, Cited by 1,
    4. N Delfan, M Shahsavari, S Hussain, A Hybrid Deep Spatiotemporal Attention-Based Model for Parkinson's Disease Diagnosis Using Resting State EEG Signals, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 2024, Cited by 1,
    5. T Islam, P Washington, Non-Invasive Biosensing for Healthcare Using Artificial Intelligence: A Semi-Systematic Review, Biosensors, 2024, Cited by 3,
    6. D Candia-Rivera, M Chavez, Measures of the coupling between fluctuating brain network organization and heartbeat dynamics, Network Neuroscience, 2024, Cited by 3,
    7. C Peres da Silva, S Tedesco, B O'Flynn, EEG datasets for healthcare: A scoping review, 2024, Cited by 0,
    8. TE Özkurt, Abnormally low sensorimotor α band nonlinearity serves as an effective EEG biomarker of Parkinson's disease, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2024, Cited by 0,
    9. CL Alves, LF Sallum, FA Rodrigues, GLO Thaise, Temporal Patterns of EEG Connectivity Unveil Parkinson's Disease Progression: Insights from Machine Learning Analysis, 2024, Cited by 0,
    10. J Li, X Li, Y Mao, J Yao, J Gao, X Liu, Classification of Parkinson’s disease EEG signals using 2D-MDAGTS model and multi-scale fuzzy entropy, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2024, Cited by 1,
    11. L Nucci, F Miraglia, C Pappalettera, PM Rossini, Exploring the complexity of EEG patterns in Parkinson's disease, GeroScience, 2024, Cited by 0,
    12. F Latifoğlu, S Penekli, F Orhanbulucu, A novel approach for Parkinson’s disease detection using Vold-Kalman order filtering and machine learning algorithms, Neural Computing and Applications, 2024, Cited by 1,
    13. R Krishna, N Chopra, S Kumar, Deep Learning for Parkinson's Disease Detection: An Analytical Study, 2024 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science \& Engineering (Confluence), 2024, Cited by 0,
    14. CP Da Silva, S Tedesco, B O'Flynn, EEG datasets for healthcare: a scoping review, IEEE Access, 2024, Cited by 0,
    15. GK Baboo, S Dubey, V Baths, Comparative Study of Neural Networks (G/C/RNN) and Traditional Machine Learning Models on EEG Datasets, Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive and Intelligent Computing: ICCIC 2021, Volume 2, 2023, Cited by 0,
    16. P Chawla, SB Rana, H Kaur, K Singh, R Yuvaraj, A decision support system for automated diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease from EEG using FAWT and entropy features, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2023, Cited by 24,
    17. M Obayya, MK Saeed, M Maashi, SS Alotaibi, A novel automated Parkinson’s disease identification approach using deep learning and EEG, PeerJ Computer Science, 2023, Cited by 3,
    18. M Nour, U Senturk, K Polat, Diagnosis and classification of Parkinson's disease using ensemble learning and 1D-PDCovNN, Computers in biology and medicine, 2023, Cited by 13,
    19. A Jaramillo-Jimenez, DA Tovar-Rios, JA Ospina, Spectral features of resting-state EEG in Parkinson's Disease: a multicenter study using functional data analysis, Clinical Neurophysiology, 2023, Cited by 7,
    20. U Lal, AV Chikkankod, L Longo, Fractal Dimensions and Machine Learning for Detection of Parkinson's Disease in Resting-State EEG, 2023, Cited by 0,
    21. A Hamidi, M Yousefi, Forged Channel: A Breakthrough Approach for Accurate Parkinson's Disease Classification using Leave-One-Subject-Out Cross-Validation, arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.02234, 2023, Cited by 0,
    22. D Candia-Rivera, M Vidailhet, M Chavez, The coupling between brain connectivity and heartbeat dynamics unveils the altered interoceptive mechanisms in Parkinson's disease, medRxiv, 2023, Cited by 0,
    23. SQA Rizvi, G Wang, A Khan, MK Hasan, Classifying Parkinson’s disease using resting state electroencephalogram signals and U EN-PDNet, Ieee access, 2023, Cited by 5,
    24. O Stylianou, Z Kaposzta, A Czoch, L Stefanovski, Scale-free functional brain networks exhibit increased connectivity, are more integrated and less segregated in patients with Parkinson’s disease following dopaminergic treatment, Fractal and fractional, 2022, Cited by 6,
    25. J Zhang, A Villringer, VV Nikulin, Dopaminergic modulation of local non-oscillatory activity and global-network properties in Parkinson's disease: an EEG study, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 2022, Cited by 16,
    26. L Qiu, J Li, J Pan, Parkinson's disease detection based on multi-pattern analysis and multi-scale convolutional neural networks, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2022, Cited by 13,
    27. Z Wang, Y Mo, Y Sun, K Hu, C Peng, Separating the aperiodic and periodic components of neural activity in Parkinson's disease, European Journal of Neuroscience, 2022, Cited by 22,
    28. M Aljalal, SA Aldosari, K AlSharabi, AM Abdurraqeeb, Parkinson's disease detection from resting-state EEG signals using common spatial pattern, entropy, and machine learning techniques, Diagnostics, 2022, Cited by 46,
    29. M Aljalal, SA Aldosari, M Molinas, K AlSharabi, Detection of Parkinson's disease from EEG signals using discrete wavelet transform, different entropy measures, and machine learning techniques, Scientific Reports, 2022, Cited by 41,
    30. M Shaban, AW Amara, Resting-state electroencephalography based deep-learning for the detection of Parkinson's disease, Plos one, 2022, Cited by 28,
    31. HW Loh, CP Ooi, E Palmer, PD Barua, S Dogan, GaborPDNet: Gabor transformation and deep neural network for Parkinson's disease detection using EEG signals, Electronics, 2021, Cited by 68,
    32. S Cahoon, F Khan, M Polk, Wavelet-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Parkinson's Disease Detection in Resting-State Electroencephalography, 2021 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB), 2021, Cited by 4,
    33. M Shaban, Automated screening of Parkinson's disease using deep learning based electroencephalography, 2021 10th international IEEE/EMBS conference on neural engineering (NER), 2021, Cited by 28,
    34. M Shaban, S Cahoon, F Khan, Exploiting the Differential Wavelet Domain of Resting-State EEG Using a Deep-CNN for Screening Parkinson's Disease, 2021 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2021, Cited by 5,
    35. E Rümeysa, R İleri, F Latifoğlu, A new approach to detection of Parkinson’s disease using variational mode decomposition method and deep neural networks, 2021 Medical Technologies Congress (TIPTEKNO), 2021, Cited by 2,
    36. N Kamalakannan, SPS Balamurugan, A novel approach for the early detection of Parkinson’s disease using EEG signal, Technology (IJEET), 2021, Cited by 5,

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