
Manuscripts on this dataset

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    Manuscripts on this dataset, "ds003620"
  2. CMS Manager

    1. MS Klug, Methodological considerations and advancements of mobile brain/body imaging data analysis, 2023, Cited by 0,
    2. M Klug, NA Kloosterman, Zapline‐plus: A Zapline extension for automatic and adaptive removal of frequency‐specific noise artifacts in M/EEG, Human Brain Mapping, 2022, Cited by 45,
    3. M Liebherr, AW Corcoran, PM Alday, S Coussens, EEG and behavioral correlates of attentional processing while walking and navigating naturalistic environments, Scientific reports, 2021, Cited by 27,
    4. M Liebherr, AW Corcoran, PM Alday, S Coussens, Additive effects of cognitive load, motor demand, and environmental complexity on attention: A real-world eeg-study, bioRxiv, 2021, Cited by 1,

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