
Manuscripts on this dataset

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    Manuscripts on this dataset, "ds003688"
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    1. S Osorio, MF Assaneo, Cortical tracking of naturalistic music and speech across frequency bands and brain regions: functional mapping and temporal dynamics, bioRxiv, 2024, Cited by 0,
    2. MA Fodor, TG Csapó, FV Arthur, Towards Decoding Brain Activity During Passive Listening of Speech, arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.16996, 2024, Cited by 0,
    3. J Berezutskaya, MJ Vansteensel, EJ Aarnoutse, Open multimodal iEEG-fMRI dataset from naturalistic stimulation with a short audiovisual film, Scientific Data, 2022, Cited by 15,

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