
Manuscripts on this dataset

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    Manuscripts on this dataset, "ds003768"
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    1. K Onoda, H Akama, Collapsed complex and declined integrated information due to sleep, 2024, Cited by 0,
    2. R Dai, H Jang, AG Hudetz, Z Huang, GA Mashour, Neural Correlates of Psychedelic, Sleep, and Sedated States Support Global Theories of Consciousness, bioRxiv, 2024, Cited by 0,
    3. CP Da Silva, S Tedesco, B O'Flynn, EEG datasets for healthcare: a scoping review, IEEE Access, 2024, Cited by 3,
    4. C Peres da Silva, S Tedesco, B O'Flynn, EEG datasets for healthcare: A scoping review, 2024, Cited by 0,
    5. Y Yang, D Leopold, J Duyn, X Liu, Propagating cortical waves coordinate sensory encoding and memory retrieval in the human brain, bioRxiv, 2024, Cited by 0,
    6. K Onoda, H Akama, Exploring complex and integrated information during sleep, Neuroscience of Consciousness, 2024, Cited by 0,
    7. H Jang, GA Mashour, AG Hudetz, Z Huang, Measuring the dynamic balance of integration and segregation underlying consciousness, anesthesia, and sleep in humans, Nature Communications, 2024, Cited by 1,
    8. H Jang, GA Mashour, AG Hudetz, Z Huang, Measuring the dynamic balance of integration and segregation underlying consciousness, anesthesia, and sleep, bioRxiv, 2024, Cited by 1,
    9. C Korponay, AC Janes, BB Frederick, Brain-wide functional connectivity artifactually inflates throughout functional magnetic resonance imaging scans, Nature Human Behaviour, 2024, Cited by 0,
    10. K Onoda, H Akama, Complex of global functional network as the core of consciousness, Neuroscience Research, 2023, Cited by 4,
    11. C Korponay, AC Janes, BB Frederick, Brain-wide functional connectivity artifactually inflates throughout fMRI scans: a problem and solution, bioRxiv, 2023, Cited by 0,
    12. A Li, H Liu, X Lei, Y He, Q Wu, Y Yan, X Zhou, Hierarchical fluctuation shapes a dynamic flow linked to states of consciousness, Nature communications, 2023, Cited by 6,
    13. Y Gu, LE Sainburg, F Han, X Liu, Simultaneous EEG and functional MRI data during rest and sleep from humans, Data in Brief, 2023, Cited by 10,
    14. EJ Bacon, C Jin, D He, S Hu, L Wang, Resting-State Functional Connectivity Analysis Using an Independent Component Approach, International Journal of Biomedical and Biological Engineering, 2023, Cited by 0,
    15. Y Gu, F Han, LE Sainburg, MM Schade, X Liu, Simultaneous EEG and fMRI signals during sleep from humans, (No Title), 2022, Cited by 7,
    16. Y Gu, F Han, LE Sainburg, MM Schade, OM Buxton, An orderly sequence of autonomic and neural events at transient arousal changes, NeuroImage, 2022, Cited by 26,
    17. 小野田慶一, 意識の神経基盤と複雑性, 生理心理学と精神生理学, 2022, Cited by 0,
    18. QK Telesford, E Gonzalez-Moreira, T Xu, Y Tian, Jessica Cloud1, Brian Edward Russ1, Arnaud Falchier1, Maximilian Nentwich3, Jens Madsen3, Lucas Parra3, Charles Schroeder1, Michael Milham1, 2 …, Cited by 0,
    19. CB Kumar, A Bhongade, BK Panigrahi, Exploring Small-World-Network and Other Network Properties in Functional Brain Networks: A Comparative Analysis Across Sleep Stages, Available at SSRN 4835621, Cited by 0,
    20. 町澤まろ, 山脇成人, 頭皮上脳波における視覚と触覚の感情情報処理時間の違い, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Cited by 0,
    21. 西内唯夏, 橋澤寿紀, 小林耕太, 飛龍志津子, アブラコウモリの個性に関する定量評価の可能性―発声パターンと心拍数の測定―, Cited by 0,

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