
Manuscripts on this dataset

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    Manuscripts on this dataset, "ds003838"
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    1. C Cannard, H Wahbeh, A Delorme, BrainBeats as an Open-Source EEGLAB Plugin to Jointly Analyze EEG and Cardiovascular Signals., Journal of Visualized Experiments: Jove, 2024, Cited by 1,
    2. S Hu, J Ruan, N Langer, J Bosch-Bayard, Z Lv, Parallel Log Spectra index (PaLOSi): a quality metric in large scale resting EEG preprocessing, arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.11994, 2023, Cited by 0,
    3. AI Kosachenko, D Kasanov, AI Kotyusov, EEG and pupillometric signatures of working memory overload, Psychophysiology, 2023, Cited by 10,
    4. YG Pavlov, AS Gashkova, D Kasanov, Task-evoked pulse wave amplitude tracks cognitive load, Scientific Reports, 2023, Cited by 0,
    5. C Cannard, H Wahbeh, A Delorme, BrainBeats: an open-source EEGLAB plugin to jointly analyze EEG and cardiovascular (ECG/PPG) signals, bioRxiv, 2023, Cited by 5,
    6. YG Pavlov, D Kasanov, AI Kosachenko, AI Kotyusov, Pupillometry and electroencephalography in the digit span task, Scientific data, 2022, Cited by 12,
    7. YG Pavlov, D Kasanov, AI Kosachenko, AI Kotyusov, EEG, pupillometry, ECG and photoplethysmography, and behavioral data in the digit span task and rest, Cited by 4

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