
Manuscripts on this dataset

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    Manuscripts on this dataset, "ds003969"
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    1. B Ventura, Y Çatal, A Wolman, A Buccellato, Intrinsic neural timescales exhibit different lengths in distinct meditation techniques, NeuroImage, 2024, Cited by 0,
    2. D Sihn, J Kim, SP Kim, Meditation-type specific reduction in infra-slow activity of electroencephalogram, Biomedical Engineering Letters, 2024, Cited by 0,
    3. SK Rao, S Ambannavar, Image-Based Cognitive States Identification through Deep Learning, 2024 International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE), 2024, Cited by 0,
    4. R Munjal, T Varshney, A Choudhary, Convolutional Neural Network Based Models for Identification of Brain State Associated with Isha Shoonya Meditation, 2023 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS), 2023, Cited by 0,
    5. PC Sharma, R Raja, SK Vishwakarma, Demystifying Cognitive Informatics and its Applications in Brain-Computer Interface, Wireless Personal Communications, 2023, Cited by 3,
    6. S Gopi, CM-II meditation as an intervention to reduce stress and improve attention: A study of ML detection, Spectral Analysis, and HRV metrics, 2023, Cited by 0,
    7. R Munjal, T Varshney, A Choudhary, A Deep Learning Approach for Effective Classification of Himalayan Yoga Meditative Mind and Non-Meditative Mind, Available at SSRN 4579711, Cited by 0,

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